The Zoo Fence

Walking the Path with Brother Theophyle

More Theophyle Cartoons

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Brother Theophyle in jeans

Brother Theophyle in jeans

Why are there two versions of the same cartoon here, Theo in street clothes in one and a robe in the other? When I set out to draw the Theophyle cartoons, I put him in a robe simply because, to my thoroughly amateur drawing hand, the robe was easier to draw than street clothes. That said, I really like the message of this cartoon, so when I decided to try drawing clothing, I chose to do it here. Why have I not done more of the Theo cartoons in street clothing? I am an old man. Some while ago, a TZF visitor, commenting on Theo’s robe and the fact I consider myself to be a monk, asked if I dress in a monk’s robe. The answer is, I dress in ordinary street clothes.

The Zoo Fence

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“Brother Theophyle” is Made in Maine