wrote: Of course, you're right, the statement "there is only god" (or, "there is no god but god and god is all there is") is just an idea. But then, in the end, so are "reality" and "what is" only ideas. The human body/mind is pretty much limited to its ideas, which it calls thoughts, memories, and expectations. Each of us perceives (creates) our concept of "me" and lives in a "world" generated by what we believe to be so, by the ideas we cherish. -- zoofence
imo ~ Stop there, and go no further. It's makes sense, is well said and accurate. For when you (we) stop at this point, everyone (each body) is left with their own personal version of what the connect with God/Source/GreatSpirit/Universe/AllThereIs/Nothing.
It's when we follow these perfect thoughts/understandings with continuous (doubts?) questions such things what you mused next ...
Instead of saying "there is only god" would it be better to say, there is no what is but what is and what is is all there is? Or, there is no reality but reality and reality is all there is?
When forget that the words themselves and anything we try to say in explanation of that which is at it's core beyond words and explanation, by design - will always incomplete and lacking - as it should, because the words and thoughts and expressions are not the whole.
In addition, there are as many ways to say the same thing; as they are people, languages and minds to understand. It is that this is some deeply perfect that it fits each of us perfectly ... each moment, as we are.
We don't need to search so hard, work so hard, to find the perfect expression(s). In fact, when we relax about it all, the most perfect of expressions for each situation can come through easier. Yet even a bad expression still provides and contains perfection, and it is within our abilities to see that: the how’s & why’s it is so.
Change of subject ...
The distinction between jnana yoga and bhakti yoga discussed briefly at TZF's essay On Healing Mistakes may apply here.
Healing of mistakes requires a change in our perception of them and a looking beneath the surface to any underlying beliefs we might have. In the example of that article it speaks of someone snapping at another is there an underlying belief that snapping at some has been pre-determined to be a wrong action. Something we should strive to not do. And if so, is this fair, reasonalbe, accurate, or even possible?
In the simple case of snapping at someone else, sometimes it’s necessary. Animals do it all the time, with good reason. As human animals, we also have times for such actions as well. Understanding this makes it easier to move our minds (way of thinking/perceiving) to the place where snapping at some one is not a wrong or right, but a correct or incorrect action for any given moment or situation and where an in correction action can be corrected and a correct action can be maintained.
When we use our judgment, and our minds and our thoughts correctly – for discernment for ourselves and our lives instead issuing them for issuing absolutes for others, is when we’ve found perfection in living our daily lives.
It’s the act/action of maintaining our constant efforts for perfection in the form of correction in daily practice, that’s perfection. Not the perfection itself.
The article mention UG Krishnamurti … oh I love him! Last year, when a friend of mine send me a link to one of the many sites about him and I started reading his quotes, this thoughts & reasonings I went Yes! Yes! Yes!
UG quotes …
I am not a god man. I would rather be called a fraud. The quest for God has become such an obsessive factor in the lives of human beings, because of the impossibility of achieving pleasure without pain. That messy thing called the mind has created many destructive things. By far the most destructive of them all is God. God has become the ultimate pleasure. The variations of God-- self-realization, moksha or liberation, fashionable transformation gimmicks, the first and the last freedom and all the freedoms that come in between--are the ones that are pushing man into a manic-depressive state. Somewhere along the line of evolution, man experienced self-consciousness for the first time in contradistinction to the way consciousness is functioning in other species. It was there, in that division of consciousness, that God, along with the nuclear doctrine that is threatening the extinction of all that nature has created with such tremendous care, was born.
Source: http://www.well.com/~jct/ugbio/ugbtitle.htm
UG Krishnamurti - A Life; Part 1; The Encounter
Our minds tell us, and we unquestioningly believe we should never snap at one another, lose our patience, question, break any laws, do anything “wrong” or in any way become a nuisance to someone else, usually those we’ve decided or put into authority in our lives, and if we do or should we are no longer, worthy, holy or good and furthermore, must be punished in some form or another. But is this always true, accurate and reasonable? No. Many a time these beliefs have become laws designed to keep civility. But are they fair to us, and is it always possible to keep them. No. Furthermore, they should always be question and adjusted as our needs change. But this is not what's happening, and that is why - as a group, humanity is going insane. Becoming more & more unstable.
And our minds create it all.
Wanting to kill that man and woman is something natural. That is a healthy reaction. If you felt differently for any reason, religious or otherwise, then something is wrong with you. You are a sick man. What culture has done to you has unfortunately turned you into a hypocrite. When someone makes a pass at your girlfriend or when you suspect unfaithfulness, you are bound to be tortured by jealousy, by hate and by the agony that is going on inside you. If some ugly saint in the market-place says that it is possible, that there is a way out, that you can be free from jealousy and yet have sex and the rest of it, he is taking you for a ride. I am sorry I cannot swallow that pill. If jealousy goes, sex goes too. If you can make it possible without going mad, good luck to you!
Source: http://www.well.com/~jct/ugbio/ugbtitle.htm
UG Krishnamurti - A Life; Part 1; The Encounter
Yep, yep, yep … no wonder why I love UG.
Wanting to kill or snap at some one IS a natural desire within us. What’s also natural is self restraint, not acting upon those desires. And that is not something that’s exclusively human as our minds would have us believe; it’s animalistic – cats don’t
always pounce, snakes don’t always bite. It’s a form of maturity, and experience and expressed in difference ways by each animal (human or otherwise) due to individual personality/traits. DNA.
It’s our minds that takes something so biologically normal, and inflates by attributing it to “God.” It’s our minds that keep us sick/addicted .... here's another example from the Healing Mistakes article:
In some ways, Nancy and I are a little schizophrenic spiritually. On the one hand, we follow the path of the mind or of understanding (jnana yoga, as it is called in Hinduism), endlessly questioning "Who am I?" and endlessly rejecting every partial answer.
Schizophrenic spirituality sounds like a never ending vicious circle, and that sounds like living in hell to me. Then again, you're not me. But at the same time - endless questioning and rejection could very well be the flip side of "acceptance without attachment" which is what I use.
We may be the yin to each other yang - so that together there is both, and with both - balance.
Acceptance is letting all these thoughts and beliefs flow through your mind without attaching to any one, or set or group of ideals - accept as they pertain to my own personal life.
God (whatever that means to me) grant me
The serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.
– The Serenity Prayer
And after all … we are talking about addiction to all of this here; and our own minds ability to both create and then keep us addicted to our own beliefs, thoughts, ways of doing things – our own self created ‘god.’ And since it’s our mind that we’ve used to create these situations – it’s our own minds that we can ‘retrain’ an use to end these situations and heal ourselves as well.
The one thing to remember is this; at it’s core, our minds manufacture our true hearts desire. That is why recovery only works when those working the program(s)
want to recover. Want to be sober – clean – unaddicted, straight – to not want to continue going through these endless vicious circles, that can also include endless seeking, endless questioning, and acceptance of a schizophrenic spirituality, or even endless recovery!
That why the most important truth we can ever know, is where our hearts truly are, for that is how we know thyself. Because what we are seeing/living is exactly what we’ve created with our minds.
So, if you want, are happy with and want to continue on with schizophrenic spirituality … then that is what you will create, that is what your mind will give to do, to make so - and it will work for you.
And if I’m seeking serenity; recovery; and balanced health/life/love through this direction … my only question would be "will my association with you help me or hinder me?" What of this situation do I need to accept because I can not - or should not - change; what of this situation do I need to reach inside and use my courage to change … and in the process, all mistakes I make will be 'perfect' because they will help me gain the wisdom I need to know the difference.
What’s not to accept (and love) about a life like this.
I apologize for the length of this posting … I guess I felt I had a lot to say. Like a damn inside has let go. Maybe after this flood of words has passed … I won’t feel such a need to talk so long next time.
Thank you for having this place here for me to express myself.