I ordered this dvd after TZF recommended it. It is one of those films that not only do you want to own, but will probably want to pass on too. My son was over this afternoon and he usually defends himself against the overzealous onslaught of book and movie suggestions from his mother. But on this one, he read the cover and watched the beginning of it and decided to take it with him to share with his roommate and girlfriend tonight. I'm so excited and I think the younger group of seekers in the film will help to draw in younger people like my son. If it was simply a film showing the teachers telling us how, he would have rejected it, I think. I also like the idea of the group of friends that are looking for more together. I have found this need for fellow seekers in my life to also be true, though not always easy to find, when you are an old lady like me.
Another part of the film that I related to was when one of the teachers finally started to find peace in his meditation, this also illuminated or brought to surface the issues that he needed to work through. I have spent years working through 'issues' and thought I must be finished, but I have also found some deep seated stuff from the recent deepness and peace of my meditation. Such things as my issue with my mother that seems to have played out over and over in the last three years since I started to seriously meditate---from the let down and abandonment I felt with my female spiritual guide, to the recent rejection from my female boss. Today, the issue again flowed to the surface and the pain that has to be felt, came out again. I think as he talked about in the film, when we are done with an issue, we will know it.
Anyway, thank you for letting the rest of know about this documentary.
Closer than Close
Closer than Close
"I am what I am."--Popeye