The Zoo Fence

The Zoo Fence


Since I have no sweet flower to send you,
I enclose my heart.

Emily Dickinson

Here I share a selection of letters and comments sent to The Zoo Fence,
and my replies. To read them, please choose from the list below.
Of course, personal or confidential information is omitted.
But first please read the following paragraphs.
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Please consider this: Once upon a time, a Teacher met with three seekers who inquired about meditation practice. The Teacher listened to the situation of each, and after consideration, instructed the first one to meditate constantly, the second one to meditate from time to time, and the third one not to meditate at all. After the three continued on their way, a fourth student, who overheard these conversations, approached the Teacher, and complained.

“I do not understand. I just heard you instruct one person to meditate constantly, another to meditate from time to time, and a third not to meditate at all. If you are going to be so inconsistent, how am I supposed to know what to do?”

The Teacher replied, “Was I talking to you?”

When I considered installing this Letters page, I was reminded of this venerable story. By definition, a letter is personal, a communication from one person to another. And, properly, the reply is equally personal and directed.BzzzSunflower So, if one were to receive the same letter from two different people, the reply to each might be, probably would be, different. And the apparent contradiction would go unnoticed until both letters were posted on a bulletin board for everyone else to read. Perhaps the lesson is that we can learn from reading others’ mail if we remember that it was not written to us, and so it may or may not be relevant, or partially relevant, to our situation. In a word, the spiritual path is unique to each of us, and therefore so are our needs and practices along it. As you read here, please keep that in mind.

Also, please understand that I can speak with authority only about the path I have traveled, and only from the perspective of my experience along that path. For me, that path has been a fine, even a miraculous, path. But is it the only fine miraculous path? Of course not. Is it the best fine miraculous path? Who knows. It is, simply, the only fine miraculous path I know and have experienced personally. And, as it is not really mine, I am happy to share it with others.

So now, here’s the mail.

A Course in Miracles
Sacred Riddle
Contemplate what?
Finding a Teacher
Caring for Others
Tsunami Children
The Great Invocation
Where Evil Dwells
Purpose of Life
The World Today
I Can’t Find Out
Point of Meditation?
Thank You!
The Great Invocation
Holy Company II
Holy Company
Why “the zoo fence”?
Divine Love
A Letter to God
Don’t think, do
A sounds practice
A fox is a fox
Who Dies?
Addressing death
My Daily Thought
A Seeker’s Dozen
Religious War
Eyes That See
Desert Island Question
Inner Beacon
Company, 2
Remembering The Presence
Let there be peace
Proof of God
Manifesting Powers
Praying for Others
Outer Violence
Yes, You Can!
Consider The Fox
Happiness is
First steps
Protect us, God
Sitting & Walking
The Great Inquiry
Finding A Teacher
Mutual Admiration
Mother’s Day
There is God
Psychic Powers
My life, my path
What’s the point?
I Say, You Say
Perfectly Imperfect
Where’s Anna?
Letting Go
The Sacred
We’re moved!
Good Friends
The Guru
Wishing Well?
Mutual Admiration
Pain & Suffering
Thorny Questions
O, Canada!
Asking Prayer
Repetitive prayer
All the same
The devil, you say
Being reminded
Old Teachers
Dealing with illness
Attending church
Learning to meditate
Heaven’s Gate

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The Zoo Fence is Made in Maine